Jade Exhibition at the Gallery Galleries in New York from 5 to 30 May 2009.
Jade Group exhibition at the Galeria de Arte San Vicente de San Vicente del RASPEIG (Alicante) from 8 to May 21, 2009.
Contributor to "El Diario de Teruel".
Exhibition at the Spa Chulilla (Valencia), July 31 to August 27, 2009.
40. Exhibition at the Museo Storico della Fanteria (Roma), from November 20 to December 4, 2009.
Participation in the story "The wonderful adventures and Mika Maki" Luciana Torres designs (pictures) in chapters one and chapter three on page three page 8. ECOLOQUIA art. Argentina. 2009.
41. Matisse exhibition in the hall (Valencia) from 12 to January 31, 2010.
Permante work at Gallery O + O in Valencia.
. Ayuntamiento Callosa d'Sarria (Alicante)
. Taiwan University Art Center.
. Teruel Ibercaja
. Collections in Vigo, Oslo, Sitges, Barcelona, Madrid, Huesca.
. International Academy of Modern Art in Italy.
. Chulilla Spa (Valencia).
Participation in Fairs
- SHANGHAI ART FAIR 14 to November 19, 2007.
- Shanghai Art Fair XI. China
- Fair Artexpo New York USA with CEART Comunication 2006.
Work donated to the NGO Zerca and Far from Madrid. WWW.zercaylejos.org
Page Webs:
. Ana watercolor wwwconelarte.com Castañer
. Ana Artelista.com Castañer
. Ana Meseon Castañer
Permante work in San Vicente de Raspeig Gallery (Alicante).